21-Day Change Your Mindset Challenge


The 21-Day Change your Mindset Challenge will help you reframe your thoughts, retrain your mind to think in new ways, create new neural pathways, shift your perspective and help you view things through fresh eyes. It will also connect you with a supportive community via a private Facebook group.

The Challenge is simple and straightforward, yet powerful if you are open, willing and intentional about learning, growing and implementing change. You will receive an email every morning with one simple, yet powerful mindful task to implement eg. go a day without complaining, watch your words, manage your self-talk, replace your limiting-beliefs, practice gratitude. You will be provided with tools, tips and guidance on how to do so. I will post in our private Facebook group early each morning to reinforce the message that was in the email and to also create conversation.

I will coach you through the process and I will provide you with many tools and resources, however please note this is not 1:1 coaching; it is you, me and a community of people sharing 21 transformational days together.

Starts Monday 31st January 2022

The mind is everything.

What you think, you become.

Whatever is going on in your mind is what you are attracting.

There is nothing in the world that can trouble you as much as your own thoughts.

Sometimes the worst place you can be at is in your own head.

The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

We think around 60,000 thoughts a day. 95% are the same thoughts repeated every day. More interesting than repetition of thought is that on average 80% of these thoughts are negative. Our brain is naturally wired to focus on the negative.

“The brain is like Velcro for negative experiences, but Teflon for positive ones.”
– Rick Hanson, Ph.D.

The brain’s job is not to make you happy; it is to make you survive. Happiness is your job!

Neurons that fire together wire together. You can have negative thoughts looping and playing over and over or you can create new neural pathways by training your brain to work for you, not against you.

Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds.

Tony Robbins, the master and guru of mastering your mindset says: “I train my mind every f*cking day” which may help you understand that training the brain takes continuous work.

An untrained brain will have a default mode to think negatively.

A trained brain will have a default mode to think positively.

What is your default mode?

Creating change in your life starts with being honest with yourself. Acknowledging and accepting where you are right now is the first step. Why? Because you can’t change what you don’t acknowledge. Awareness is the greatest agent for change.

Take a moment to think about what thoughts dominate your mind and see if you can see the connection in the type of thoughts you think, the person you are, and the life you are living.

The 21/90 Rule.

It takes 21 days to make or break a habit and 90 days to create a lifestyle.

Research has found that it takes approximately 21 days to form a new habit or break an old one. That’s 21 days of being consistent for new habits to start to become habitual.

How exciting is that? You are just 21 days away from thinking new thoughts and seeing the world in a different light. Twenty-one days away from feeling awakened and aware of how powerful your mind truly is.

Your life is a reflection of your thoughts. If you change your thinking, you change your life.

Create New Neural Pathways

This 21-Day Change Your Mindset Challenge is a straightforward and simple, yet powerful mindfulness ‘life assignment’ that will help create new neural pathways and increase your brain’s grey matter.

What does that mean?

A more aware, awakened, positive, peaceful, happier, and powerful you!

Time to Break the Cycle

The secret of creating change is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming thoughts into small manageable thoughts, and then starting on the first one and that’s exactly how I have structured this Challenge. It is not complex, difficult or overwhelming; it is simple tasks that hold the power to help you change your thoughts. Our mind tends to like to over-complicate things, so we are going to bring it back to the basics with simple input and repetition.

You’re not going to master the rest of your life in one day. Just relax. Master the day. Then just keep doing that every day.

Is the 21-Day Mind Challenge Right for You?

This is for you if you are ready to:

  • Shift your thinking, perception, and see life through fresh eyes.
  • Think more positively.
  • Learn how to re-wire your brain for greater health, happiness and success.
  • Create new neural pathways.
  • Hit the restart button on your mindset.
  • Access the power of your mind.
  • Quieten negative thoughts.
  • Override previous conditioning and programming.
  • Make a commitment to yourself and stick to it.
  • Be willing to do what it takes to create change.
  • Be part of a community where you get to connect, learn and grow.

This will kick off on Monday the 31st January… JOIN NOW and get into action!

Bookings are now closed for the 21-Day Mindset Challenge.

To stay updated ensure your are subscribed to the website

Once payment has been received a Welcome email with further details will be sent so ensure you check your inbox.

Some words from previous participants:

The content is not rocket-science (thankfully! you even say something along these lines in the prep reading) and a lot of it is stuff that I intuitively knew on some level or another, but to have daily focus on these mindfulness activities and thinking that gradually builds up over the 21-day period, was excellent!  You bring it together in a way that works really well. Lots of awakening, awareness and acceptance moments. I found that it reconnected me to who I really am. At times it brought up some tough stuff but the reality is that stuff was there anyway, just waiting and needing to come out, and I felt so much better for it once I saw it for what it was and accepted it. Having the private Facebook group was at first a little outside of my comfort zone, but I quickly realised I wanted and needed to connect, support and share with the other participants and with you – this was where a lot of the magic happened, knowing you weren’t alone and hearing other people’s stories as they were willing to share – or not. It was great how active you were in there, it helped to make it a much deeper and supported experience.  It was a good reminder that we all try our best, we all have good days and some really, REALLY shit days, but having the right mindfulness tools helps. Thank you – and keep on doing what you do. You’re an inspiration of living the life you dream of and I know that this is helping me to do just that too.


“Everything about this past 21 days is exactly what I needed, it has had such a profound impact on my life. Baby steps, but steps!”


“As a Victorian living through an incredibly challenging year I am actually in awe of how much my perspective on life has changed and what I now want for the future for myself and my family. I have learnt a lot in the past 21 days and intend to keep striving to learn about myself moving forward. Thank you Belinda!”


“My husband and I now communicate a little better – we have had some hard conversations during the Challenge. He can now vent rather than complain…that’s a win! Thank you Belinda, I feel great moving forward!”


“I wanted to start by Thanking you for allowing the 21 day challenge to challenge me. I have been following you for a while now and I have been saving to do one of your retreats one day. If you can have such an impact on me through coming to my inbox daily for 21 days I can imagine the impact you would have on a retreat.

My family and I took part in this challenge and we all looked forward to opening your emails daily. My girls that are 7 and 10 really loved your daily messages and definitely helped keep us on track, even if they didn’t fully understand your messages. My husband needed this throughout COVID and your emails have helped us through what could of been a difficult time in our lives, he also needed this as his business is taking a turn and he always allows his self-doubt to override his success so its been great helping him through this. I found it easy but not in the way you may think. I was starving for change so I grasped everything you said and completely immersed myself in it. We live in Melbourne so its lock down and having this challenge definitely, will see me through. It challenged my thinking, and has kept me positive throughout the process. I have written down all your Daily Challenges and plan of putting them on my fridge, I also plan on printing your 21 emails and having them in hard copy for light reading whenever I feel myself steering off path.”


“I absolutely loved this challenge. Even though I’ve done a lot of inner work on myself over the last few years (still a work in progress), this challenge helped me to create a different mindset. Before starting it I could feel myself starting to become a bit negative and despondent with things. I’m certainly in a different mindset now and also feel a lot calmer within myself. I certainly recommend doing this challenge even if you’re not really struggling with anything at the moment, it helps create a new mindset and way of looking at things.”


“The value you have added to my life and the impact you had on helping me create change has been enormous! Doing this challenge has been the best investment I have ever made. You are someone who certainly over delivers – every day you were connected and engaged and helping others see things differently. It’s true, little steps each day lead to big changes…I cannot believe the synchronicities that have occurred in my life since the challenge.”


“This challenge began a journey of self-discovery for me.

I developed the knowledge and strategies to observe my thoughts, to acknowledge them and to take control of them. I learnt how to empower myself and those around me.

I have learnt to slow down, do one thing at a time, to switch off from technology of a night and to be grateful. I have learnt to be conscious of my fears and struggles and to empower myself to face them and move forward. I am learning to embrace being out of my comfort zone.

The challenge has introduced me to meditation which has had a powerful impact on my thoughts and in return, my daily life. I am slowly healing and growing.

The challenge has had a positive impact on my family. We’ve shared many special moments and conversations. I asked my 3 1/2 year old daughter what she was grateful for and her three responses were ‘breathing’, ‘exercising’ and ‘my dollhouse’. In this moment, my heart was full.

I am truly grateful for finding you, Belinda. You have given me an abundance of knowledge, skills and practices which I will continue to embrace on my journey to developing a positive and healthy mindset.”


“I was drawn to the challenge because I wanted to change my life for the better and become a healthier, happier person. I knew something in my life needed to change, but I wasn’t sure where to start on my own.

The challenge has helped me in slowly realising how I can be that happier, healthier person, plus it has opened me up to a whole new level of understanding about myself I had never experienced previously. In subtle ways every day, it showed me where I needed to direct my attention and what needed to change in my life for me to grow into the person I would like to be.

The challenge helped me to develop daily habits for wellness. Having the support of the Facebook group was incredible too, as there was always someone to talk to about your worries/struggles/mini (and big) victories.

I think what you are doing is amazing. You help people every day, and it is so, so beautiful. It was a joy to be a part of what you do.

Now I have tools and skills I can use every day to help me to be who I want to be.

Thank you again. I am so glad I came along for this journey with you and the other members of the challenge.”


“I am so grateful to have found you. The night I signed up for the 21 day Challenge I had come home from a date with my husband who said to me that I needed to find something that will make me happy again. I had been anxious and depressed and literally hated myself from past trauma for so long and it made him sad that I couldn’t see myself through his eyes. The day before, a friend sent me your Challenge, so I got home from the date and told my husband I needed you and your Challenge to help me learn to love myself. He has been amazingly supportive.

So I signed up for your Challenge, then your January 2020 Uki retreat, then I just soaked up all the information and knowledge all while I was writing in my journal and doing your affirmations and meditations.

My life has changed. My GP who I was visiting every two weeks told me I look better than she’s ever seen me so doesn’t want to see me for a month now. My trauma therapist said I have a twinkle in my eyes. My osteo told me my face just looked different and happier. I am happier, more positive and grateful for all my blessings rather than worrying about the problems. I’m more present too. I always loved mindfulness but now it’s like I’m always living mindfully without trying.

I’m so very grateful to you for this opportunity and I know my husband is grateful too. I look forward to meeting you in January and I look forward to how far I will have come from now until then. Forever grateful.”


Thank you for the gentle kick in the pants to shake me out of my repetitive cycle of living by ‘going through the motions’ rather than really living consciously. Some days were harder than others and those are the concepts are the ones I will return to repeatedly until they become second nature.

Thank you.”


“Thank you so much for the 21 day mindset challenge. It came at the perfect time for me and has provided me with life changing strategies. I have a pretty stressful job and have been finding myself being more reactive as this overwhelm increases and therefore I am not always the best version of me. This has been affecting relationships with others as my stress and overwhelm has taken control. I have been trying to change this but just haven’t been able to find the right way to go about this. That was until I did this challenge!!

Instead of mindlessly scrolling my phone on mornings I am waking up and meditating and then journaling my goals for the day and gratitude. Again at night I am repeating these and I have noticed a HUGE difference in so many ways! I am sleeping better, I am more present and calm, I am now able to respond and not jump to just reacting, I am recognising when my ego is trying to run the show and so many other things!

I cannot thank you enough and I know this is just the beginning on my healing and mindset journey.”


“Thank you so much Belinda! I still have a long way to go but I am already so far from where I used to be. I am excited to continue using the tools I have learned. It has been life changing for me and at the best time!”


“Thank you for all of the gold nuggets of wisdom you provided in the 21 day challenge.

It’s been quite the honour to have daily access to you in the challenge group. I practice many of the things you have shared so it’s been very reassuring to know that I resonate with someone of your calibre. I will be exploring the ego work some more and also laughter and play (I need to lighten up a little). The biggest thing I have noticed is awareness. I’m aware of my awareness.”


“Thank you for creating the safe and open environment that enabled me to face myself and address many issues that I had been avoiding. From Day 1 we were required to be accountable to ourselves and this is something that works for me. I had lost myself along the way and as I identified early on to you that I am a people pleaser and fixer and this was not easy. It wasn’t long into the challenge that I could see I had given my energy to others, my power to others and that I was just merely existing. The 21 Day Challenge has given me so many new tools to add to my toolbox and I am very interested in attending a retreat as I have finally learnt to enjoy my own company and not fear being alone. As someone with bipolar my mind is very busy and the daily challenges were exactly what I needed to face my fears and grow. Thank you Belinda, you are someone I have followed on the socials for a while now. I’m so glad I finally invested in myself and took the time to focus on me.”


“Loved the 21 day challenge. The daily emails were so simple, easy to implement and incredibly wise. I had the hugest lightbulb moment. I like to think I’m a “I can” type person jumping out of planes and running a marathon etc but when Belinda got us focusing on our daily thoughts I realised I say “I can’t” all day long to the little things. It’s too hard to get out of bed, I’ll deal with that email later, I’m too tired to wash up – and when I stopped saying “I can’t” to the little things and chose to say “I can” to them, suddenly EVERYTHING improved. Getting things done was so easy. I’ve been incredibly productive ever since and everything feels lighter. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the beautiful impact you have on the world”


“I want to pass on my heartfelt thank you to you!

I feel so fortunate to have been following you for a few years now and have always watched joyfully on the sidelines – silently nodding and smiling at each of your posts. All the while knowing in my heart that one day I would bite the bullet and either work with you or attend one of your amazing retreats.

Then up pops your 21 day change your mindset challenge …. it’s hard to put into words the affect this has had on me. This will just kick start my mindset again after many years of reading and learning, I thought. But this went way beyond that! I not only feel clarity, gratefulness and ease but I feel completely inspired. Inspired by everything around me and the incredible woman that hopped on this journey too.

I feel such a surge of empowering feelings and my direction and dreams are so clear. My business motto is Live your own KIND and I now truly feel that I am authentically doing so.

I thank you with all my heart Belinda. I am so grateful to have connected with you.”


“This challenge was incredibly helpful and a big awakener. It rattled me at times as it was pushing me to change. I think it was day 6 in and I had a complete emotional melt down. My head hurt, I felt like such a defect of a human, that I am not enough, as I have to work so hard to change myself each and every day, I got overwhelmed as  I was trying to do it all once. I wrote this in our support group and you were there for us all, and you gave me this advice, ” just do one task at time” it then got easier. I was happy and relieved when the daily challenge arrived in my inbox. The topics I struggled with was ego, breathing, mirror work,  sleep and meditation, I also realised that I complain too much!

What I take away from it all is my ego is (was!) my problem, I play the poor me card in my head and have to others. My ego tells me negative things about myself. I had a big aaahhaaa moment about needing to break up with my ego.

Your words:

“Peace begins with me”

“No mud no lotus’

“KISS…Keep it simple sweetheart”

is what rings in my head daily.

I love the elastic band, I wear it daily and flick it for ego, complaining, awareness, negative words, it really pulls me up. I have also cut my screen time down which has made a big difference.

I remind myself:

“I am me, I am enough”

Thank you Belinda, and thank you for all the extra time you have given me and the group. It’s been a blessing.”


“I am so grateful that I committed to this Challenge! Everyday gave me something to work with which contributed to the changes I wanted to make for myself!

The one that has been a constant is: Day 1 Awareness and Acceptance – it really has helped me change the way I was thinking. I have kept a journal during the Challenge and I will constantly return to this and keep learning and growing. I have your book ‘Living from the Inside Out’ that I read  years ago, however it’s going to take on a whole new meaning now that my mindset has started to change.

Thank you Belinda…I will continue to practice these  gifts you have given me!”


“Thank you so much Belinda…I am so glad I made the decision to take part in the 21 Day Challenge!

It’s given me a whole new perspective on many areas in my life and for that I’m grateful! From your own thought-provoking topics and comments to the contributions from many who were part of the Challenge it was a wonderful learning experience.

I would certainly do it again and am I’m also keen to attend one of your retreats. Love your work!”
